Many thanks to Yannig (F4IUJ), organizer of a new QRP conference in Rennes, France, who shares the following announcement and poster:
[Conf’ QRP] is going to take place in Rennes on the 18th of May of this year, there is more information on this page :
I hope you can make it, Thomas! C’est super chouette!
Ah oui, j’imagine! The only problem is that the conference coincides with Hamvention here in the US. That Friday, in particular, is a very busy one for me, else I’d consider doing an online presentation. I’m sure, though, that no one wants me doing a presentation in French at 5:00AM, my time, with only 3-4 hours of sleep!
Ha ha!
If this conference is held next year on a different weekend, it might make for a wonderful excuse to visit France.
I wish this conference all the best. I think QRP conventions are some of the most interesting gatherings in the world of ham radio.
Funny… I just posted a scenario on the AX1 post earlier today.
The dates don’t work for me, but maybe they could work on a beacon on the Eiffel Tower?
At any rate, I’d love to try to make contact during their event.
It would be fun to have some activities here, but… we do not have platform to alert others of such activities.
The QRP interest is extremely low here in Canada.
I think the interest in QRP here in Canada is growing. Just the other day, one of the stalwart QRO POTA operators in my club decided to activate QRP. He was thrilled to get AK and some EU stations during his activation. Another club member just built a trusdx and is excited to test it out! I operate QRP only. The momentum is there. We just need to promote it more here. Last week, I had a QSO, in French I might add, with a 57 signal report on 10m 5W SSB from France! This morning, on FT8 with 5W, I had a VK station from WA, 18000km away, start a QSO with me. Couldn’t confirm it but there’s a big thrill when your signal reaches that far while QRP! Thanks to Thomas and QRPer and this community I believe it’s growing worldwide. Also- Look up the Sunday QRP Net and join in!
Thanks Thomas for letting the world know about our QRP conference!
For those of you who want to contact us, there will be 2 opportunities as on the day there will be a few stations active from time to time between talks. On top of this, the 19th (the day after), it looks like we are going to activate a local POTA. More news to come later…
72 de F4IUJ