
I’m not much into awards and certificates, but I’ll freely admit that this letter absolutely made my day:

Whoever nominated me for this, thank you. Thank you very much.


Thomas (K4SWL)

32 thoughts on “Chuffed…”

  1. It’s well deserved, I watch all you videos and appreciate all you do to help not just me but others in the community.

  2. Yes and signed by Riley Hollingsworth, the retired FCC monitor for spectrum enforcement for Ham Radio.

    Riley was very active in cleaning up some of the major issues in Ham Radio in the 80s & 90s, worked especially on Ham Radio monitoring, a rear thing to be doing with the FCC. Riley helped with my 2m repeater when had a CBer with tech license get out of hand. Riley shook him up.

    Looks like Riley wants to continue his work with Ham Radio and not only helping with the monitoring program, lets ops know when they are doing positive things for the hobby.

    Yes congrads to you Thomas, I would frame this and hang on the wall with your Ham license and other awards.

    thanks for sharing.

  3. You deserve it!

    Being a new ham, I can honestly say that just about everything I know I have learned from your channel.

    1. Thank you so much, Bill. It pleases me to no end to know that I’ve, even in a small way, helped on your journey!

    1. I will! I don’t have awards and things hanging up (just never been big on them), but this will get framed. 🙂

  4. Couldn’t go to a more deserving guy, Thomas! You represent the absolute best of the amateur radio and shortwave listening community, we would all do well to emulate you in every area. Congratulations! (Just wish I would have thought of it haha!)

    1. Robert thank you so much–that is incredibly kind. I must say, I feel the same about you. You’re such an amazing ham and a proper ambassador and Elmer to so many!

  5. Thomas. I aspire to your outdoor ham activities. My opinion: your videos represent a great deal of effort, efficiency, and creativity. After messing around with god knows what to launch antenna lines , after the second throw ! my weaver arborist throw line sailed over an overhead branch. The line neatly flaking into my weaver folding box. After a significant wait I received my new KX3 Elecraft last week. After following your inventory list within your videos I can bench nark the equipment I need knowing you have vetted it. Essentially a “system”. At 62 yes of age I am in wonder of this hobby and hope to meet you some day. Maybe a presentation at Dayton. Thank you Thomas for your sincere give back to our hobby and influencing me. 73. Jay. Ve3jlo. Ontario Canada

    1. Thank you so much, Jay! That KX3 will serve you so very well. And, yes, I do hope to meet you in person some day. My hope is, Dayton will be back in full swing next year. If so, I’ll be there for sure.

  6. Thomas you do a great job sharing your unedited experiences.
    I watch all your videos, even the one in French.
    Keep on as your Ham time allows.
    Thanks Much,

  7. Congratulations Tom!! That is outstanding. You are an Amateur Radio Ambassador. We need more folks like you in our hobby. I had no idea that such oversight existed, but I’m glad it does and I’m glad you are the recipient of positive recognition! Bravo my friend!!

  8. Congratulations Thomas! Very well deserved. I enjoy your videos and have learned alot about the POTA program from watching and listening. I am still putting together my portable station, but I think I may soon try my first activation from my mobile setup just to get my feet wet.

    1. Hi, Gary, thank you and yes! Definitely give it a go via your mobile set up. That might make for a gentle introduction to activating. I must warn you: this stuff is addictive! :). 73 OM! Thomas

  9. Congratulations, Thomas! By all means, this is well deserved! You are a true inspiration to us all, a very likeable and modest guy who is just sharing his enjoyment of the hobby, with a focus on presenting the subject matter and the human aspects of it rather than presenting himself. Having gained a great credibility this way, you infect tons of people with your enthusiasm and do the worldwide radio community a genuinely valuable service.

    Seeing that just the right guy got this appreciation made my day too! 🙂

  10. Well deserved and congratulations. I’ve benefited from your posts and videos, and I hope to work you on the air one day to get first hand experience with an excellent operator.

  11. It seems like the universe works properly every once and a while when deserving people are publicly recognized for their good work. Congratulations and thanks for your contributions to ham radio and QRP ops in particular!

  12. A very well deserved accolade going by your videos Thomas, hoping to catch you one day on the bands.
    Had no idea this volunteer monitoring program existed tbh.
    Well done!

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