I just received an email announcement from Elecraft noting that their holiday sale has already started.
They’ve discounts across their entire product line with some special pricing for bundles (like their KX2 shack-in-a-box and KH1 Edgewood package).
Yep, I have a KXIBC2 on the way, $35 off and free shipping!
People with VE in their call will know this, but it’s not mentioned on Elecraft’s site – Canada Post Corp is shut down after talks with the union representing their workers broke off. And it seems like the Corp is in ho hurry to get the mail moving again.
Again, if you’re in Canada, you know this but shippers like Elecraft may not/do not seem to know.
Sadly, this just embarrasses me and emphasizes the class divide in ham radio 🙁
At absolutely no point in my life would it be even remotely appropriate to spend those amounts of money on a radio. Makes it feel like a total waste to have even gotten my General, but I guess I might get a Xiegu someday. Maybe. Nothing like this. Ever. I shall read no more articles extolling Elecraft, because I’m truly not worthy.
Hi, Bernard,
You are worthy, my friend.
When I first started my ham radio journey, there were no affordable radios. Good HF radios, new, were all pretty much in excess of $800 in 1997 money (that’d be $1,547 today, adjusted for inflation). My first radio was a used IC-735 I bought for $750.
You couldn’t be living in a better time as a ham radio operator–prices are lower than they’ve ever been. You should check out the QRPlabs QMX, the Xiegu G106 or X6200, the Yaesu FT-891, and many, many more if you’re doing CW. You can easily buy a CW transceiver for under $400–many options.
Elecraft gear is designed and manufactured in the USA where labor is much more expensive.
Good news is there are numerous other options. I’ll be publishing a post later this week (hopefully) about an activation I did with the Xiegu G106. IT was a super fun activation and that radio can be purchased for $199 right now.
Thomas (K4SWL)
Well said, Thomas. One of the many ways to be involved in Ham Radio is the “do more with less” approach. It’s extremely satisfying to make contacts (and even work DX) with very simple equipment. I just watched a video of a ham who used a little Tecsun PL-330 as the receiver to accompany his homebrew CW transmitter and make contacts. I can’t begin to say how exciting it is to build a simple transceiver kit, put it on the air, and make contacts with it.
I hate to use the “D” word (digital), but if you enjoy that sort of thing then a very simple rig will do. I’ve only played with digital a little bit, but I have several VK and ZL contacts in my log running 2.5 watts from my almost 25 year old FT-817 and a vertical antenna. (Best DX: Perth, Australia, 11,000 Miles.)
My comment above sounded more irritated than I meant for it to – sorry for that. I’m the proud owner of a tape measure yagi for 2m that I am incredibly proud of, so I get the “build it” mentality, and I’m a fan. I applaud Elecraft for the American built approach, tho I wish the world didn’t quite work that way. I may never own a full featured HF rig. It’s an expensive hobby, but “expensive” for me is much smaller than these numbers.
Hi, Bernard,
For what it’s worth, if you follow the path of CW, you will be able to buy some incredibly inexpensive (yet effective!) radios.
Check out what people do with the sub $200 QMX: https://qrper.com/tag/qrp-labs-qmx/
It will eventually sport SSB as well (it even has a built-in mic)!
Thomas (K4SWL)
I wouldn’t exactly call it a sale when you’re only giving a discount of $100 on a $7000 K4 or only $100 off a $3,200 KX3 Shack in a Pack package. HRO is giving multiples of $100 on much cheaper gear like $200 of a $1200 radio (IC-7100) or $170 off on the $750 TH-D75. Now that’s a Black Friday Sale!
So I’m with Bernard, most hams wouldn’t think of spending that kind of money for what those radios are. I’m very fortunate to be able to afford at least used prices on some of Elecraft’s stuff otherwise I wouldn’t own it.
Thomas, thanks for the heads up, I now have a KH1 on the way for next years backpacking!
I can also appreciate that costs of made in USA carry a penalty and I have not have always considered spending that much on gear. My first years in the hobby were all home made and Baofeng gear. It’s difficult to place a price on weight, miniaturization and simplicity (self containment really) which Elecraft does well, and are now my priorities for camping.