I just received this message from Olivier Parriaux (F4GLD):
This supply is ready!
This Thursday [09 May 2013] we will activate, if time permits, the beautiful summit of Cret de gout which is located in the Jura mountains in JN26WD.
F/JU-004 – Cret de la Goutte Locator JN26wd
46.15140 ° N (46 ° 9 ‘5.0 “N) Longitude 5.86560 ° E (5 ° 51’ 56.2” E) 1621 meters, 5318 feetScheduled departure was 0300 TU [UTC] you should be able to follow the ascent via APRS.
We use + or – frequency QRP only Phone on 7/14/21/28 MHz bands depending on the propagation and F4OQU F4GLD Olivier Gilles.
HF Station KX3 5W max, Buddistick antenna, battery and three …
We also try to activate UHF
VHF F0FNC Laurent around 144,290 in SSB.
FT-817 5w max, DK7ZB antenna
We planned things on the air from 5h30/6h30 TU [UTC]Hoping to see you on the air on Thursday.
73’s to all.
Like Olivier, if you’re planning a SOTA or QRP DXpedition of any stripe, contact me and I’ll be happy to post your announcement here on QRPer.