(Source: Southgate ARC via K8RAT)
RAC supports Canadian National Parks on the Air event
Radio Amateurs of Canada is pleased to announce its support of the Canadian National Parks on the Air (CNPOTA) event which will be held next year from January 1 to December 31.
The CNPOTA Event Committee describes the event in this way:
“All Radio Amateurs worldwide will have an opportunity to operate portably from any of Canada’s 48 National Parks and 171 National Historic Sites (these are ‘activators’). Amateurs around the world will be able to chase these adventurous operators in an effort to confirm the most QSOs (these are ‘chasers’).
Activity for activators and chasers will be tracked on a dedicated website and real-time leader board and other statistics will be available throughout the year. Activators and chasers will be able to compete for and collect online awards and certificates created specifically for the event.
Come join the fun and plan to visit one of Canada’s beautiful Parks and Historic sites next year!”.
RAC will be assisting the organizers in promoting the event through articles in The Canadian Amateur magazine, the RAC website and in social media.
For more information about the event please visit the Canadian National Parks on the Air website at: https://cnpota.ca/
Alan Griffin
RAC MarCom Director
Radio Amateurs of Canada