While I love QRP and ham radio in general, I must admit that I’m not much of a DXer. I love the idea of DX, but at this point in my life, it’s hard to make time for it and, frankly, my CW skills are somewhat lacking.
I owe many thanks, though, to my good friend, Vlado (N3CZ), who sat with me yesterday at his QTH and coached me through working K1N on 15 meters CW. It was a bit like learning from a Jedi Master…er, Jedi Elmer. At any rate, it felt good to see my call in the K1N log and to know that I worked a station that may not reappear for another 25 years.
If you have the time and patience, you might try working K1N soon. I understand the K1N team announced earlier today that they intend to tear down their stations starting this Saturday. They will go QRT Sunday morning.