By Teri KO4WFP
After six months devoid of POTA/camping trips, it was time for Daisy and I to hit the road, this time returning to southwest Georgia. There are parks on that side of the state I want to activate but the travel time necessitates a longer stay. My son has two weeks off from school during winter break, plenty of time for such a trip.
After looking at the state parks with campgrounds on that side of Georgia, I settled on Kolomoki Mounds State Park partially because of how the campground looked online but also due to the availability of parks to activate nearby. The POTA map showed six parks to the north, four to the east, and five to the south, all within an hour-and-a-half drive, plenty of parks from which to choose.

Wednesday, January 1st, I loaded up the car and Daisy and I began our journey through rural Georgia to our first park – Elmodel Wildlife Management Area (WMA).
I absolutely love driving through rural Georgia! The roads wind me through little towns with imposing courthouses and kitschy businesses, past water towers and pecan orchards slumbering until spring. While the view may not offer the stunning vistas associated with national parks or glistening metropolitan skylines, it has its own magic, one in which I delight. My car was purring along the road and so was I.

After nearly four hours in the car, we reached Elmodel WMA (US-3748). The park is in the middle of nowhere (as many WMAs are) but the sign and information kiosk are easily spotted from the road. Rather than set up in that open area, I opted to drive a little way into the park as I often like to do.

As I had yet to set up our campsite for the night and sunset was only three hours away, there was not time to dally. I opted for the Chelengance MC-750. I figured I’d stick to 20 meters so there’d be no having to fiddle with the vertical for changing bands.

There is almost always something unexpected during an activation. Today both of my paddles gave me difficulty. The VK3IL-design paddle would not work correctly. When plugged in, it made non-stop dahs. As a backup, I brought the mini palm paddle that was given to me. This paddle, too, acted up when the dit paddle would randomly stop working. (I think the connector on the back of the key is the problem.) ARGH! But that paddle worked 98% of the time and would have to do.
(On a side note – now that I have invested in a wonderful bug – the Frattini Magnetic Evolution bug – and cootie – the W1SFR Titan – it is time to get a good quality portable paddle. As of the writing of this article, I’ve ordered a BamaTech III paddle and await its arrival near the end of January.)

It was not long after spotting myself (Yay! There was cell service at this WMA!) that John AC9OT answered my CQ.
Operating QRP, I expect my signal reports to hover between 579 and 559. However, today’s reports were not great – 539, 449, 339. Maybe the ionosphere was still unsettled after the prior day’s CME. Unsettled or not, I managed to garner eleven contacts including one from Tim K5OHY, a member of my current Comprehensive ICR course that I am coaching for CW Innovations with Brian K3ES. (Thanks Tim!)

After 11 contacts, I called QRT, packed up my equipment, and headed for Kolomoki Mounds State Park. My campsite was better than what I expected – lakeside with the sun setting behind the trees. I ate a simple supper and marveled at how blessed I am to have these experiences.

As I snuggled into my sleeping bag in the frigid evening air, where would I head tomorrow? North? South? Or East? Stay tuned…
Equipment Used
[Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.]
- Elecraft KX2
- Chelegance MC-750
- Tripod for Chelegance MC-750
- Palm mini paddle (no longer manufactured)
- Tufteln RG-316 Coax
- Tufteln Knee Board
- Helinox Chair Zero High-back
Hi Teri,
I have the Palm Pico Paddle mounted on my KX3. I can highly recommend this paddle because it’s so exact in CW. You don’t have to fiddle with the cable.
Next week I’m heading to Florida to start my first POTA activity.
I have you on my ham alert list! Most of the time I see your spot in the middle of the night (here in Europe). So I have no chance to hear your signal.
Thanks for another good POTA story,
73 Bernd
I know of several others who have the Pico Palm paddle and like it. I appreciate the recommendation and will keep it in mind for the future. I don’t want to have as many keys as Forrest KI7QCF; however, after seeing the bug he is using for POTA, I am considering adding that key to my POTA arsenal.
Thanks for the reminder of your upcoming trip to the states. I have you already in HamAlert and hope to work you during your stay. Safe travels!
The POTA Babe
Greetings Teri
Enjoy your travels & pics.
I just wanted to pass on a folding chair called a GCI Outdoor Sunshade Rocker Outdoor Rocking Chair with Canopy that is super comfortable with a (spring action rocker) when you lean back, supports 250lb and I have a velcro adjustable cup holder I attach to left front for my insulated coffee unit. I pair this chair of which I have multiple units with a simple fold out elevated leg rest which fits between chair when folded, so I can really get comfortable & easy to carry. It has a ((fully adjustable roof)) that I can swivel up and around and adjust for the piercing sun along with acting as a wind break and protects your neck as well at different sun angles and of course direct rain. With the roof SPF50 swiveled around at any angle you can for your area of the country throw a mosquito net over it. Rugged cloth arm rest is comfortable and flexible. Here is the link. On another note, ever think of using a ((RF )) type speech processor like the Ten Tec 715. Very penetrating especially at low power output limitations with up to a 6 dB increase in average power output and adjustable band pass audio filter for a natural voice or a adjustable sharper voice penetration. Link below
Have a good one and give Daisy a bacon treat for me hi…
Rich / NJ6F
That looks like a nice chair. I appreciate the recommendation and will check it out.
As for the Ten Tec 715, that is for SSB, correct? So far, all my QRP activations have been CW. I keep thinking I’ll actually jump onto SSB sometime to just give it a try. I even take a mic in one of the pouches on my backpack. However, I never get around to SSB because I enjoy CW so much. I’ve bookmarked the recommendation, though, and will keep it in mind for the future.
This is one of the things I love about ham radio – ops are happy to share their recommendations and you never know when someone’s tip will make your time operating easier, more comfortable, or result in a better outcome.
Thanks for your comments and Daisy thanks you for the treat!
The POTA Babe
Great write-up and adventure. Can’t wait to see how you like the BTlll. I have been thinking about upgrading from my CW Morse paddle.
The straight key in my shack is a CW Morse camelback key. I could spend lots of money on a nicer straight key; however, I have found that particular key good enough at what it does and for now have no plans to replace it.
I did try two CW Morse paddles but ended up giving them away as the more time I spent with them, the more I realized I needed something better quality for POTA. That being said, I think CW Morse makes good entry-level keys and those two paddles served me well during the time I used them.
I have a POTA planned for this Wednesday at the Savannah NWR as I work toward my kilo for that park. I hope the BTIII arrives before then so I may begin getting a feel for it. I’m sure it will appear in an article in the near future.
Thank you for your comment and glad you enjoyed the article.
The POTA Babe
Nice report and activation!
I think you’re going to like the BaMaTech key!
When I transition from outdoor to in-car activating during the frigid winter temperatures, the more constrained space makes it easier to hold the key in one hand and key/log with the other. The BaMaTech has been great for this.
For tabletop, I love the Begali Adventure Mono as it mounts so nicely to the KX2.
I just posted a QSL card to your thoughtful P2P in October – thanks for report and QSO
It is good to hear the BTIII is easy to hold as I typically hold my paddle in the left hand and send with the right. I’ve gotten accustomed to that method though I am considering mounting the BTIII on a bulldog clip (or something like it) since the key has magnets on the bottom; then I could attach it with the bulldog clip to the knee board I use.
Thank you for sending your QSL card. I love receiving QSL cards and am currently behind in mailing mine to some first-time CW contacts in my log. I’ll look for your card to arrive in the mail soon!
The POTA Babe
BamaTec is a great key, you will like it! Headed to GA in April, will circumnavigate the state. Will probably spend several days in the Savannah area to see the sights. GA has many great parks! Tnx for your travel updates!
April is a lovely time to visit Savannah. If you are interested in history, downtown has lots to offer as well as Fort Pulaski near Tybee Island.
Georgia does have many wonderful parks to visit and activate. The difficult part is having to choose which ones. I hope the weather will cooperate for your circumnavigation around the state. Safe travels!
The POTA Babe